Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Mors et eius copiae.

I've thought of this new project once or twice. The idea of dissemination I adore, the medium on the other hand isn't as inspirational as the tri-color print was. For the last project I thought "Three colors... I can work with that." This project I find myself thinking "Low quality digital printer, oh angst..."
At least with a digital printer I can work on something much more complex which can be more fun. Yet any average person's printer doesn't necessarily reproduce something very complex with the quality I'd like. I have a piece I've been working on that I may finish and use. I fear that something of the resolution will be lost in the project's poor quality prints so I may save this for later. I have a bad habit of leaving things unfinished, but I have too many new ideas.

The working title for this is The Liberated Vertebrae you really have to click it and view it full size to see it very well.

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